Sunday, November 29, 2009

Demodex folliculorum and Hair [afftects more people than we care to imagine]


Reference Sites Below:

  • Demodex folliculorum

    This parasite was first discovered in 1841 by a doctor Henle - a famous chap in hair biology circles who has a component of the hair follicle named after him (the Henle layer of the inner root sheath since you ask). Demodex folliculorum is a microscopic creature in the form of an elongated and jointed worm, with clearly defined cephalic, thoracic, and abdominal portions; with eight legs, four on each side of the thorax, each leg with three articulations, and terminating in three small hooklets. The posterior extremity of the body is a vermiform appendage, terminating in a conical point. In short, it looks nasty.

    Demodex folliculorum is sometimes found on the surface of the skin, particularly on those parts of the skin where the sebaceous glands are large, and on individuals affected with acne or seborrhea oleosa. Demodex feeds on the skin sebum and oils so the more sebum around the greater the number of Demodex folliculorum that can survive. While it is sometimes found on the surface of the skin, it is more commonly encountered in the substance of hair follicle comedo plugs (blackheads), where five to twenty worms may be discovered in a single follicle. A similar species which is considered to be a variety of that discovered upon the skin of man infests dogs, mice and other mammals. However, none of these related demodex species are known to be transmissible to humans.

    You might not like the idea, but Demodex folliculorum infection is very common. Around 80% of the adult population, both men and women, have a Demodex folliculorum infection. It is believed that the frequency Demodex folliculorum is less in children. It is rarely found in children under 5 years old. Between 5 and 10 years, it is found in around 50% of children, while between the ages of 10 and 20 the percentage is about the same as in adults. So it would seem that as we get older we become infected with Demodex folliculorum probably through contact with adults. As such, it is more or less impossible to conciously avoid infection by Demodex folliculorum.

    Demodex folliculorum and hair loss

    Unfortunately over many years there have been sporadic claims made about Demodex folliculorum and hair loss. Quite recently a theory has been put forward that infection of hair follicles by the Demodex folliculorum parasite is correlated with pattern baldness. By infiltrating the sebaceous gland of hair follicles the parasite causes an immune response and inflammation of surrounding tissue - so it is claimed. Through long term invasion, the parasite "exhausts" the hair bulb and shifts the hair cycle from anagen to telogen. This theory is promoted by certain companies that just happen to have a range of products that kill off Demodex folliculorum! At least one of the companies has conducted research that allegedly showed 88% of 240 men with pattern baldness had Demodex folliculorum infection in their hair follicles. However, there are several problems with this theory.

    First, as above, just about everyone has Demodex folliculorum whether they have hair loss or not. The company conducting the research conveniently forgot to study normal haired people to find the frequency of Demodex folliculorum in people with a full head of hair. Second, research has shown that there are frequently excessive numbers of the Demodex folliculorum parasite in eyelash follicles. However, people with pattern baldness do not lose their eyelash hairs. Third, there is a clear bias towards men having pattern baldness hair loss even though women are equally susceptible to Demodex folliculorum infection and at least some children are also infected. If Demodex folliculorum infection was causing inflammation that pushed hair follicles into telogen then one would expect to see some children with pattern baldness and that women would be equally affected with hair loss. Indeed, women have a stronger immune system and so one might expect more women than men to have pattern baldness, but this is not the case. Fourth, if Demodex folliculorum was a key cause of pattern baldness it would be impossible for hair follicle transplants to work. Given thousands of transplant procedures are done every year and 80% of men have Demodex folliculorum infection, then most of the men with hair transplants must also have a Demodex folliculorum infection. In a hair transplant, follicles are moved from the back of the head to the top of the same individual. If the individual is infected with Demodex folliculorum one would expect that the transplanted follicles would either already be infected, or become infected in their new location. However, transplanted follicles grow in every individual who has had the procedure done and pattern baldness does not redevelop. Fifth, there is a widely available treatment to Demodex folliculorum infection called pilocarpine gel. However, using this gel on the skin does not promote any hair growth.

    The more likely explanation for Demodex folliculorum infection in people with pattern baldness is that the sebaceous glands of alopecia affected hair follicles become larger and more active, producing oils at a faster rate, under the influence of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The oils combine with dead cells from the hair follicle to make sebum. The sebum is a rich source of nutrients and this is the food that Demodex folliculorum eats. The oil food supply increases in most hair follicles affected by pattern baldness so these hair follicles can accommodate a greater number of Demodex folliculorum parasites. Rather than the parasites causing pattern alopecia, they simply take advantage of the increased food produced. The parasite infection is a consequence of pattern baldness rather than a cause of the hair loss.

    Demodex folliculorum references

    • Baima B, Sticherling M. Demodicidosis revisited. Acta Derm Venereol. 2002; 82(1): 3-6.
    • Georgala S, Katoulis AC, Kylafis GD, Koumantaki-Mathioudaki E, Georgala C, Aroni K. Increased density of Demodex folliculorum and evidence of delayed hypersensitivity reaction in subjects with papulopustular rosacea. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2001 Sep; 15(5): 441-4.
    • Aydingoz IE, Dervent B, Guney O. Demodex folliculorum in pregnancy. Int J Dermatol. 2000 Oct; 39(10): 743-5.
    • Roihu T, Kariniemi AL. Demodex mites in acne rosacea. J Cutan Pathol. 1998 Nov; 25(10): 550-2.
    • Forton F. Demodex-associated folliculitis. Am J Dermatopathol. 1998 Oct; 20(5): 536-7.
    • Fulk GW, Murphy B, Robins MD. Pilocarpine gel for the treatment of demodicosis--a case series. Optom Vis Sci. 1996 Dec; 73(12): 742-5.
    • Vollmer RT. Demodex-associated folliculitis. Am J Dermatopathol. 1996 Dec; 18(6): 589-91.
    • Bonnar E, Eustace P, Powell FC. The Demodex mite population in rosacea. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993 Mar; 28(3): 443-8.
    • Huismans H. [Demodex folliculorum] Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 1988 Sep; 193(3): 304-6.
    • Wolf R, Ophir J, Avigad J, Lengy J, Krakowski A. The hair follicle mites (Demodex spp.). Could they be vectors of pathogenic microorganisms? Acta Derm Venereol. 1988; 68(6): 535-7.
    • Sengbusch HG, Hauswirth JW. Prevalence of hair follicle mites, Demodex folliculorum and d. brevis (Acari: Demodicidae), in a selected human population in western New York, USA. J Med Entomol. 1986 Jul 28; 23(4): 384-8.
    • Forton F. [Demodex and perifollicular inflammation in man: review and report of 69 biopsies] Ann Dermatol Venereol. 1986; 113(11): 1047-58.
    • Crosti C, Menni S, Sala F, Piccinno R. Demodectic infestation of the pilosebaceous follicle. J Cutan Pathol. 1983 Aug; 10(4): 257-61.
    • Mills OH Jr, Kligman AM. The follicular biopsy. Dermatologica. 1983; 167(2): 57-63.
    • Westermark P. Demodex folliculorum in human skin. Acta Derm Venereol. 1983; 63(2): 183-4. No abstract available.
    • Aylesworth R, Vance JC. Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis in cutaneous biopsies. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1982 Nov; 7(5): 583-9.
    • Norn MS. Incidence of Demodex folliculorum on skin of lids and nose. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh). 1982 Aug; 60(4): 575-83.
    • Andrews JR. The prevalence of hair follicle mites in caucasian New Zealanders. N Z Med J. 1982 Jul 14; 95(711): 451-3.
    • Rufli T, Mumcuoglu Y. The hair follicle mites Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis: biology and medical importance. A review. Dermatologica. 1981; 162(1): 1-11.
    • Roth AM. Demodex folliculorum in hair follicles of eyelid skin. Ann Ophthalmol. 1979 Jan; 11(1): 37-40.
    • Riechers R, Kopf AW. Cutaneous infestation with Demodex folliculorum in man. J Invest Dermatol. 1969 Jan; 52(1): 103-6.
    • Breckenridge RL. Infestation of the skin with Demodex folliculorum. Am J Clin Pathol. 1953 Apr; 23(4): 348-52.

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    Parasites - A Sufferer's Diary (One of my FAV articles)...

      Parasites - A Sufferer's Diary
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    Reference Site --

    Medical Write up for Mr. X - His story of treating skin parasite(s)

    Strongylus monospinigerum  - (temporary name given for this in China)

    General description:

    An unidentified organism, which is infesting more and more homes across the country. This particular creature apparently houses itself in lint-like fibers which it seems to weave into a tiny ball, like a nest or cocoon, and contacting human skin via floors or clothing, bores into human tissue to take up residence in the body. (Regular laundering with hot water and detergent apparently do nothing to kill the organism in clothing). Once in the body the following symptoms result:

    - Open itchy lesions on the skin appear (from tiny holes to many millimeters in length)
    - Intestinal discomfort begins or slight anal discomfort
    - Straight red lines (track marks) just under the skin are sometimes seen
    - A "crawling" sensation is repeatedly felt on the skin and scalp, although nothing is visible to the naked eye
    - Fatigue and lowered resistance to disease develops over time
    - Localized muscle pains occur
    - Sharp, painful tinges in tissue are felt
    - Blood (reddish brown) spots can be seen which over time move from deep tissue areas to the surface of the skin

    Upon recent investigation by Microbial Diagnostics, Inc., the following was observed concerning selected samples of the lint-like balls:

    Dr. Steven Doggett's observations:

    "Regarding the samples: contained approximately 15 structures.  At the macroscopic level, each appeared to be small masses of lint or natural fibers approximately 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter.  At the microscopic level (examined at 100x and 450x), the structures appear as tightly woven, but irregularly shaped stands of natural fibers.  Each mass consists of a heterogeneous assemblage of fibers – the vast majority of fibers lack color and are somewhat consistent with Figure 6 provided by Dr. Amin's web site:
    Approximately 20-30% of the fibers were tinted blue, approximately 5% were tinted red, and less than 5% were tinted green.  Each structure varied in its specific assemblage of colored fibers.  Some lacked colored fibers altogether or contained only one a single tinted fiber, which was usually blue or red.  Occasional wool fibers were also seen and these appeared as dark brown.   In my opinion, most if not all of the fibers are natural - likely cotton or paper and some wool. 

    Also present within the fibrous matrix were occasional fungal spores.  These spores are typical of cross
    contamination by background levels of spores suspended in indoor air or deposited as constituents of indoor dust.  There was absolutely no indication that the fibrous structures are fungal in origin or that fungi co-exist within the assemblage other than by chance alone."  
    "Two of the 15 structures contained a single nematode-like organism. Although this is outside my area of expertise, the morphology was most similar to filariform larvae of hookworms or possibly a larval form of Ascaris (roundworm). The organisms were identical in morphology. Their presence was not readily observable because each structure had to be carefully teased apart to reveal the inner "core". If present, this is where the organism is found."   Two of the 15 structures contained a single nematode-like organism.  Although this is outside my area of expertise, the morphology was most similar to
    filariform larvae of hookworms or possibly a larval form of Ascaris (roundworm).  The organisms were
    identical in morphology.  Their presence was not readily observable because each structure had to be
    carefully teased apart to reveal the inner "core".  If present, this is where the organism is found.

    The above phenomenon may reflect a portion of the organism's life cycle.  Perhaps the organism uses the
    fibers for protection and dispersal (fibers would become readily aerosolized - especially those that are
    less than 1mm in diameter).  I was impressed with the fact that each structure is tightly compacted or woven
    - but this is not to suggest that the fibers originate from the organism; rather I feel that the fibers
    originate from your home (e.g. clothing) and the larvae becomes entrapped within the fibers -  or the organism
    purposely organizes the fibers into a protective "cocoon".  It would seem very odd indeed that the
    fibers would enter your skin as you describe.  But even if just a few of the fibers entered your skin and assuming this is similar to Dr. Amin's observations, this could explain the incidence of fungal or other
    microbial infections - these fibers are anything but  sterile.  The appearance on external human skin as observed by Dr. Amin would suggest that the cocoons are shed upon entry.   The organism may not complete its
    life cycle within a human host  - as occurs for some species of Ascaris that are specific for other animals
    but may enter human hosts with varying degrees of effect.  In some instances visceral larva migrans are observed.

    My Medical Report…

    Contracted what I thought may be mite bites with symptoms in 2nd week of October… origin unknown…

    Standard shampoos for lice ineffective.
    Was combating condition with: Honey & Vitamin E
    Selenium Sulfide 2.5 percent
    ……………………………………… Hydrocortisone 1 percent with Aloe
    ………………………………………. Hydrogen Peroxide - ears only
    ………………………………………. Bathing with small amount of Clorox in the bath
    ………………………………………. Cut hair to combat problem
    ……………………………………….. Alcohol (70% Isopropyl)
    Washed clothes in Clorox and high heat and dry high heat too. Vacuumed with Hepa Vacuum apt. regularly.
    Wounds found everywhere… Hair, scalp, face, legs, arms, groin, feet, hands, ears, under the nails, behind the heal of the foot. No typical crustation like the Norwegian crusted scabies though. 
    Saw a Diseases and Infection specialist…
    Complete labs tests for blood and specimen culture: 
    Lab diagnosis: SCABIES SCABIES   -  which was later proven to be incorrect

    Biopsy punch down tissue taken from the arm was not valid – the sample was only an inflamed area. I provided samples and Lab concluded a diagnosis on my provided samples of SCABIES. Disease and Infection doctor recommended the Permethrin twice with an eight-day interval. 

    Blood tests were all negative for the parasites inside blood, but not sure complete blood smear or serology was done for parasites outside the norm. But Serology was done. White blood cell count normal indicating no parasites.
    Tests for all other type internal diseases – negative (no STD's, no HIV, and No cancer). No blood found in feces either.

    But I suspect I could have more than one kind of mites.. might be their advanced morphing in new generations…  Structures built into wounds going deep.. horny like structures in the head and face area. 

    November 27th – 30th. NY Lab A: came into Apt. and took samples from window sill, vent, and floor, my vacuum too. Plus they took my submitted samples, and a tissue where I blew my nose. They could Not decipher what it was… nothing found. Send them samples in alcohol later, and then samples preserved in clear tape. Still Lab looked and said they are unknown or look like skin.

    Treatments: after condition present for 3 weeks.. 
    Permethrin 2 times.. with 8 days in between application…effect.. Nothing (Nov. 13-21) prescribed by a Diseases and Infections specialist.
    They kept coming out in other generations… and from area the Permethrin didn't get to areas under toes… Cut back toenails, and soaked in water and Hydrogen Peroxide.
    Found caked area under toe – scrapped and cleaned in Clorox & water area.
    Found caked area behind heal of the foot, scrapped.. and bathed in Clorox & water solution.

    Nov. 30th… obtained IVERMECTIN.. took 12 mg.. based on weight.. via first visit to a NYC Dermatologist.
    This dosage is normally for someone weighing 130 lbs., I weigh 183. Possibly under dosed for this medication. Notice almost zero difference in the parasites disappearing. Had to combat them with home remedies and other herbs listed later. 

    Current Physician: Dr. C. – affiliated with North Shore Hospital
    Practices in Great Neck, NY

    I'm Insured with US Healthcare/Aetna policy as of Jan 1st.. switched from GHI.

    Dec. 11th – Saw general physician and he recommended his Long Island dermatologist (2nd one). He examined me for 3 minutes and said I was fine. Bites and infection persisted.

    Dec 30th – Checked into Beth Israel hospital to treat eye condition. Scratched eye lightly, when one eye was nearly infected with mite. Applied antibiotic for one week. (Polymyxin B Sulfate and Trimethoprim) Must see an ophthalmologist for a return check up.

    Dec. 30th started treatments with Enzyme cleaner.. bathing 1 daily .. Safe Solutions, Inc. Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint
    And cleaned apt. with solution. Also using Sulfa*Derm product.. with sulfur and Vitamin E topically.

    Jan. 9th
    Saw NYC Dermatologist for 2nd visit.. took Biopsy from head… Had a physical exam with General Practitioner. Dermatologist prescribed mild Steroid topically for cheek area still infected with scabies to heal the area. (Locoid)
    Have infected areas near cheeks with what appears to be small little strands of the parasite. Treating with the sulfur compound, and diluted enzyme, and 2x daily the Locoid. Still treating feet, behind heal of foot, face, ears, and head still.

    Jan. 11th submitted to Quest Labs 3 fecal tests.. all negative. 1 smear and 2 mixed with solutions. Fecal test was done for blood earlier mid-November, also negative.
    Started using Grapefruit Seed Extract in Orange Juice – 10-15 drops plus a few drops in the bath. Eating yogurt to retain natural intestinal bacterial fauna.
    Still I'm absolutely sure, a parasite not picked up exists in the fecal matter, I've seen it after wiping from a bowel movement. Also experiencing very slight discomfort in the anal area. Tests not picking up parasite via bowel movements or biopsies… Still blowing some out in the nose area too. 

    Jan. 15th started using improved solution Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint (Tweetmint). Dramatic improvement. Used Baby Powder (talc) and Diatomaceous Earth in shoes and feet.
    Used Sulfa Derm on wounds to the face and hands and under nails sometimes.
    Rash was dangerously close to the other eye. Wounds on body all healing now after original baths in the first enzyme solution. Enzyme solution now hardening and caking off skin from parasite. Been spraying enzyme cleaner on entire apt. since Dec. 30th and cleaned all areas.. changed hepa vacuum filter after 2x usage. Sheets and bedding changed every 2 days… vacuumed every 2 days, since first getting symptoms. 

    Jan 18th Started taking Super Lycine Plus + for the wounds.. wounds are clearing up. Taking this 3x daily.
    Super Lycine Plus:
    Vitamin C: 100mg, L-Lysine 1500mg, Garlic Bulb 200mg, Echinacea Whole Plant 100mg, Propolis 2.1 25mg., Licorice Root 15mg., Goldenseal Root 15mg.

    Jan. 18th Nearly all movement gone, except tiny amount in head and ears. Face clearing up fast. General wounds in the body starting to darken or go pink in color. Sometimes movement in groin or feet and then I spray with the Enzyme mix to kill it immediately to prevent the population from growing at all.

    Jan. 19th Commenced taking a over the counter medicine to dry up nasal passage to kill off infestation there, taking it 2x daily.. it's working. Allegra cold medicine.

    Suspect I may have a resistant different strain of scabies… have strands.. raised bruises.. movement underneath the wounds.. for the duration of the infection. 
    Still fighting off the strands of the infection in the sides of face with sulfaderm and steroid from the dermatologist. Only little movement felt on occasion of perhaps babies, in groin, and face, foot, and head hair regions. Still spritzing them with the enzyme watered down solution upon movement.

    Jan 20th. Found in outside nail toes more parasites, removed and cleaned, and cut back nails. Cleaned hands, minor parasites found in thumbs and between webbing before, applied SulfaDerm. Still excessive debris after Enzyme bath on ears.. must be dead matter from the parasite.

    Jan. 21th Biopsy result: Negative.. no parasite, eggs, or feces from the parasite present from sample taken from the wound area of the head. Maybe the injection needle type Biopsy went completely underneath the parasite which exists just barely beneath the Skin?

    Jan. 26th Commenced taking Omega3 Fish Oils 1000 mg 1 per day for wounds..
    And Bee Pollen 500mg for restoration of natural fauna in intestine. And Not Nice to Toxins for toxin and parasite removal from system

    Not Nice to Toxins:
    EDTA 100 mg, Red Clover 100 mg, Milk Thistle 100 mg., African Bird Pepper 100mg.
    Niacin 25 mg, Black Walnut 25mg, Clove Extract 25mg, Dandelion 25 mg, Hyssop 25mg, Wormwood 25mg, Garlic 25 mg, Ginger 25mg, Sarasaparilla 25mg.
    Plus lots of water to drink.

    Jan. 27th, Discovered white line tracts under feet, and still possible live parasite in heal area. Must clean out. 

    Jan. 28th Seeing a Garden City based General physician and Dermatologist, near 
    Winthrop and North Shore Hospital for possible referrals and overall care. Family
    used these doctors and facilities.. 2 samples given were positive under the scope
    as parasites.. were submitted to Parasitological Lab. Also Dermatologist took samples from the face.

    Jan. 30th Face vastly improving due to Crocodile product on skin.. bringing up and
    killing facial and head parasites rapidly. Skin now having a chance to heal, now that the parasite is gone from the cheek area. Bowel movement soft today, saw large tailed parasite in bowl. Continuing parasite internal eradication with 
    "Not Nice to Toxins" 3 times daily for a 2 month period. (started on Jan 26th this product). Found some scaling tissue on lower leg. Applied Sufa*derm. Also applied it to under the foot – track lines (all white), and to the heel of the foot.
    Still movement on head and face from parasites.. and some leg and groin.
    Clearing wounds out with Crocodile product on head and face slowly. Improvement noticed. Bought a Pumice brush to scrap effectively and lightly off the parasites from heal and bottom of sole of the foot while in the enzyme bath.

    Feb. 9th Face improving due the Enzyme solution applied often, Crocodile product, and SufaDerm product. Wounds clearing also with doctors prescription to Betamethsone Valerate too… but Locoid Lipcream ineffective. Still clearing heel of feet and underside sole.. putting Sulfaderm and Crocodile (rotating each evening) before I go to bed on the feet. Wounds still active on: face, head, rump, and some on the feet.

    Still awaiting Lab identification (Stony Brook Labs) of the parasite. 

    Feb. 10-22nd… Had to sterilize living environment.. threw out most furnishings, and large rug, and many small things.. to avoid larger clean up later. All objects in the apt. will have to be cleaned with the Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint later.

    Cleaned out many wounds, reappearance of parasites in fingernails and toe nails.. cleaned, plus developed a method to recycle clothes. Clothes were re-infecting my back and rump area. Still feel movement sometimes to the head, groin, legs, feet. 

    WASH procedure: soak clothes in very hot water with enzyme, wash in machine with hot water and Borox and Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint.. then dry for over 70 minutes.. using small loads in dryer and washer. Then 2 – 10 second intervals of small clothing in the microwave, and then putting the clean clothes in a separate sealed baggie. Now re-infection is nill. 

    Washed floors with Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint, cleaned furniture with enzyme or sprayed. Put plastic Tarp on leather couch.. threw away bed. Sleeping with single sheet on top of tarp. Changing it daily… all clothes – one time use.. then put to plastic sealed bags for washing. All washed or dry cleaned clothes are sealed, or wrapped in plastic and isolated. Minimally vacuum or spray floors every day. Bathing now 2x daily with enzyme solution and Borox.

    Had bought new underwear at local large drug store, discovered they are laden with the SOURCE of the INFECTION. Will bring in unused sample for Diseases and Infection doctor. I had been buying this underwear for the last several months when I bought new underwear! 

    My brother dropped off, outside my door, fresh clothing and new underwear from a department store which was safe to use. Threw out most of old clothing, whatever I kept – I had to dry clean.

    Garden City Dermatologist submitted samples from face and my own submitted samples to four different labs… Unknown or unidentified parasite.. some samples appeared as skin in the research. Dermatologist sent these to QUEST who interestingly enough misdiagnosed this as scabies earlier in November, yet now they can't identify it… 

    Locoid cream works when the infection area of a wound is almost cleaned out completely, using that now a few times daily between baths.. helping to heal active wounds faster. Obtained Desoximetasone Cream but ineffective. Head still the most active area now.. and some on the back. Wounds still clearing. Still some dead possibly in the nose area. Small amounts dead in fecal area.

    February 25th, Going to see Diseases and Infection Doctor of high reputation, to present condition and get further analysis. Still infestation in small amounts in feet, hands, back, and moderate still in the head, although all wounds now have considerably less infection within them. Old wounds all healing and disappearing thanks to the Enzyme baths, the Crocodile lotion, and the Betamethasone. The use of the Locoid cream now more effective with the less infected wounds. I am able to find the babies on the body rubbing gently the Crocodile on the skin, and picking off the hard tiny flecks of white parasites.
    Sulfa*Derm good for healing wounds and fighting off toe and foot infections.

    February 25-26th Identified a similar parasite type or perhaps my Parasite copies this type of mite in places it lives… DEMODEX Mites.. Visited website: which has photos.. and description which closely matches mine. Chinese origin, this parasite could be possibly getting into exports from Taiwan, or Hong Kong. Investigating still. This is not my pest bothering me… but it does the same things to my face, in the sebaceous glands and pores of my cheeks, neck, eye brows, and all around the eyes and eye lids these pests exists as well.

    Feb. 28th Received Demodex solution medicine, very effective. Discovered a whole layer on my face of the parasite. Applied aggressively to get up parasite on ear, behind ear, and neck, and entire face. It was difficult to carefully apply and get up the parasites all around the eyes and just under and above the lids, but I did it. Recommended usage is small, but I was interested in getting up as much as possible quickly. Still uncertain this is the Demodex mite though, because I still have infection to the fingers and toes, and Demodex mites do not go there.

    March 2nd, Dramatic amounts of the parasite killed, but they are still roaming (a few) on the body, and I still have some toe and fingernail parasite infections. Will order a large quantity of the Demodex Solution products and continue cleaning and spraying with the Enyzme. Using the crocodile to feel where they are on the legs and arms and get them up, as well as protect areas of the body. 

    March 5th Made a contact with couple using a Microbiologist that have exactly what I have in symptoms. Microbiologist identified species as a NEMATOID.
    They think it may go into the blood as well, and not just the intestines… this is highly dangerous, as many organs could be damaged if not stopped. It is believed to head to the lungs, and to the nasal passage.. Below is a photo of a typical Nematoid which resembles what I have.. Still having re-occuring problems with laundry method of possible re-infection. Will have to try soaking the clothes in alcohol first, before washing.

    Link found identifying China outbreak of similar type disease..
    This is very interesting… may be the link from the clothing and silks coming from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong --- and to our department stores. I posted the content beneath my document of this article.

    I need a lab to analyze the underwear I bought in the department stores.. .
    Contacting the CDC today.. 3/6/2003

    I shaved my head today… to find all wounds hidden. Found a very large wound laden with tons of parasite behind the right ear. Spent 8 hours last 2 days, just cleaning all wounds, and cleaning up especially all parasites from the ears, with the Hong Kong Xingfumanlingshu topic ointment.
    Still experiencing a little of the invisible ones in face move to parts of the face.. 
    My back and rump got a little re-infected from the clothes which would not clean properly with the Enzyme solution, so I will try the alcohol rinse first. Hands nearly uninfected now… Spraying Enzyme into cleaned wounds.. and re-treating with Demodex topical ointment. 

    Will have Dermatologist forward samples to the local health department and then to the state if they cannot identify. Sent report today to the CDC.

    Ordered a homeopathic product to cleanse the blood as well as the intestines… 
    from Cleanse and Rebuild starter pack.

    March 6, 2003 Contacted North Shore Hospital and forwarded this report to Diseases And Infection division… looking for some more help. 
    My photo below taken from the head near the ear, matches the description of the Male parasite found in China exactly. China medical article is below.

    March 10th Some re-infection on head and leg.. but face is slowly clearing. Population is lessening. Phoned Dermatologist about condition requesting sample to be sent, but they claim they have no more samples. 

    March 11th Port Washington, L.I. Diseases and Infection doctors have no references or outsource personnel, and cannot help. Need Microbiologist, Chemist, and D&I doctor.

    March 12th Now adding Green Tea tablets, and Garlic tablets to diet to further combat internally the parasite with antitoxins. 

    March 13th Follow up care appointment with L.I. Dermatologist. Will try to get more valid samples for submission to Local Health Department. Experiencing some intestinal discomfort, and sometimes slight anal discomfort. 
    Demodexsolutions people will contact China for me regarding this disease.

    March 21st Dermatologist could not locate a Local Health Dept. Lab to handle this..
    The only state lab which is covered by my insurance is Quest, who twice already could not identify this. 

    March 21st Called the Dept. of Health for NYC and informed them of my condition.
    They are going to call my dermatologist.

    March 21st Called the Dept. of Agriculture and the Dept of Defense to get a nematode expert involved. Spoke with a doctor in the Armed Forces Division of Pathology.

    Clothes must be soaked thoroughly and remain in alcohol for over 30 minutes and hang to drip dry. This works but the clothes have to remain saturated and only a few items or one can be in a bucket of alcohol at a time, to fully soak the clothing. This seems to kill the babies or larvae.

    Demodex Solutions called and finally reached the doctor who studied and tried to find a cure for the China outbreak in the article at the bottom of this document. He found no cure.

    Called the local police that handle Bio-weapons and informed them of this problem and forwarded my document to the FBI for a helpful alert. Spoke to the assistant of a Congresswoman in my old home town, and an Assemblywomen 's assistant too, to alert the government. Requesting help to get my Dermatologist to forward my samples to the State Health Dept. or a Pathologist to get this examined properly by experts.

    March 28th Dermatologist is going to forward my sample to the STATE Health Dept.
    Also Assemblywomen is forwarding my report to the State Health Dept.
    Contacted the Pest division of the Dept. of Agriculture and a microbiologist is looking into the cotton industry for me regarding the nematodes.

    March 29th Using Harmony products now for one week, noticeable difference. 
    Wounds are healing on their own.
    Applied the Demodex pink crème to the head repeatedly and rubbed off parasites 4x .. for 3 days in a row with a shaved head.. again eliminating nests and cleaning up the head. Growth or layers still on the head after numerous applications of removal of the parasite.

    April 17th Dermatologist's assistant called and said the State Health Dept. found no parasite in the sample. Unsure if that meant they just didn't know what they were looking at or never saw this species. Will arrange for the State Health Dept to mail several beakers for a final collection of many samples thru my dermatologist.
    April 25th Beakers have arrived at the dermatologist's. Reluctant to visit until I confirm more information,
    then I may go for further samplings to the state.
    Spoke with Ohio State Bacteriologist who confirmed nematodes have to be mailed in water, not Isopropyl alcohol , they deteriorate shortly after removal and deflate, but can survive in water for a few days. My original sample was mailed in alcohol.. and therefore destroyed.
    Spoke with Wisconsin University Nematode specialist who said that I probably have a Filarial type of nematode since the Steiner type does not have frontal mouth to bite. 

    May 2nd Located a prominent Bacteriologist that specializes in Nematodes.. he said it wasn't
    possible for it to be mutated via chemical exposure in the environment.. therefore this must have been developed in a laboratory. Will have another 2 people who have the same disease see this doctor, since they live nearby.. and submit more larvae samples for examination.

    May 5th Bought a microscope – awaiting delivery. I soaked unused underwear right out of the package…the same package that had infected me months earlier, which I had double baggied. I found 4 black specs, which I'll analyze when my microscope arrives.

    May 9th Microscope arrived.. with set up this weekend. It's digital with motion picture and still
    capable photography.
    Retired scientist I know will contact a company which specializes in sterilization of foods
    with electrification. The device may work with clothing too.. not sure.
    Baths: I've been using – A few squirts of the enzyme in the tub, with 2 cups Borax, 1 cup
    Epson salt, 1 teaspoon of Sulphur chopped fine, 8 drops of Tea Oil… after bathing for
    20 minutes to 30 minutes.. I let the water drain.. and then shower and wash off all
    debris with anti-bacterial soap. 
    I have several spray guns now for spotting and stopping their movements… I use the
    Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint with hot water, or an alcohol spray, or the Equine spray.

    May 23th Took digital photos of the organisms live.. the nematode and bacterium.
    Guessing the bacterium may be the Photorhabdus luminescens as it is the most common one associated with the nematodes used in crops and experimentation as well as genetic manipulation. I try to obtain shortly the oral antibiotic that may eliminate at least the bacterium. This particular bacterium can leave it's symbotic
    relationship and continue on to attack it's host independently. Also the other possibility is this could be the Heterorhabdus species… genetically altered too.
    Antibiotics I will be obtaining to address anaerobic bacterium internally and Microbiotic bacteria are: Amoxycillin clavulanate or Floxin, oral Cephalexin, and Metronidazole oral. 
    Metronidazole is used primarily for anaerobic bacterial infections., Amoxycillin-clavulenate is used for both gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial infections. Both are somewhat broad spectrum in their activity. Generally, an antibiotic susceptibility test is performed to determine the activity of an antibiotic for aerobic infections but anaerobes or generally more susceptible to the classes of antibiotics used to treat such infections. Photorhabdus is an aerobic organism showing a variable activity to drug. Ideally, susceptibility tests would normally be done to determine the organisms susceptibility to a particular antibiotic. But I don't have such a luxury.. as I will be my own guinea pig. Such in-vitro studies do not always correlate with response in the host. This appears to be the case with Photorhabdus in some instances. Bottom line is if it works, use it, if not, switch to a different drug.

    Added to my regrime: Barberry, Colostrum, Green Tea extract pills, and Asparagus extract pills. 

    June 4th Going for a blood test. Checking the Eosinophils, Absolute – levels.
    Should dictate if I have parasites still in the blood, but if this is a Nematode, they are very difficult to find in the blood.. and they hide in the joints. 
    Will try applying a Metronidozole based topical cream of higher base content which I
    Can absorb though the undersides of the feet to kill internal bacterial problem. 
    The Demodex Solutions cream has already 2% percent concentration.

    Typical Nematode drawing below:


    Observations, Conclusions, Hypothesis:

    1)     This is an unknown and not yet classified parasite which emulates scabies, but much more resistant and highly infectious. Initial wounds not as itchy as scabies which throws off those trying to diagnose it. I would name this the Skin Scabie for it's properties of camouflage on the outer surface. It can obviously morph to other shapes in other generations.

    2)     The Parasite is resistant to Ivermetin, Permethrin, high heat (unless over 1 hour), intense cold (only puts it to a state of suspended animation), alcohol (saw one swim in it like it was water), and impervious to common bug sprays, and may not require oxygen – if it can go in the body and live internally. 

    3)     Parasite goes internal after a time, (exact interval unknown, depends on infestation amount and time with infection). Parasite is not detected by common methods and blood serology tests. White blood cell count will remain normal. Parasite may enter via nose or mouth.. and go to the intestinal area and exit anally. Unknown if it survives coming out anally to attack the body again. Parasite is visible in the toilet after bowel movement, and I have seen movement of the parasite in the toilet. Suspect it lives in the intestinal area only, as X-ray I had done did not show enlarged organs. Also I've only experienced weight loss, and no other symptoms normally associated with a parasite.

    4)     Parasite emulates skin, and easily hides any where on the body. Common places to hide – nails underneath, sides of nails (appearing like a hang-nail), under soles of feet (in tracks), heel of the foot (almost like a crusted scabie), legs, arms, rump, back, face, hair – with tracks the thickness of a nail going through the head. Tracks are eaten in the skin in which babies are hatched. The babies are like a very hard spec of sand – white on skin, and slightly dark in a white sink.

    5)     Type of wounds: a) nickel, dime, and curved swirl shapes all over. b) In the head and neck – specs of flakes of the individual ones of the parasite in clusters. c) Sliced into the skin surface, almost invisible, like a sheath of skin, and in all the wounds.. the outer circle of the wound contains lots of the parasite too. Wound depth.. 1/16 to 1/32 of an inch or less.

    6)     All dermatology tests of biopsies show negative on this parasite, with punch down, and needle. A shaving must be taken. Problem with this is, the parasite which eats and emulates skin, may shed (like a spider or snake) it's outer shell upon death or being lifted out from the host. All that remains is the structure or external skeleton, which upon analysis appears to be only skin. The spider or parasite may be using this skin as it's shell as it feeds and builds in on itself as an armor. It also prevents the body from attacking from what appears to be it's own skin. However, a low grade magnification under the microscope clearly reveals a parasite shell or structure. Also tests on this fecally (both smears and solution sediment samplings) also do not turn up showing the parasite. The screening methodology for this parasite is ineffective with the current means. Dermatologist should not assume healing wounds means the patient is recovering, or responding to the Ivermectin, especially if homeopathic products are being used simultaneously.

    7)     Putting the parasite in alcohol causes it to move and reveal itself. It balls up like a spider for protection. Unknown how long it can last in alcohol. It can be spotted on a black sock worn by an infected individual as a tiny white flake, easily mistaken for lint.

    8)     The Parasite is spreading not only through person to person, but I hope to prove it's originating from the clothing manufacturers importing certain items made within 3rd world countries that get shipped an put directly onto our store shelves. 

    9)     Parasite manifests itself in contagion differently among family members depending on their immune system and exposure. 

    10)     Parasite also appears in different shapes, but the most common shape is a circle or partial clover leaf shape with a tail. Tail is used for movement. Parasite has extreme adhesive properties, and can stick to any object and remain there till touched. Parasite can within seconds melt into the skin, and becomes nearly invisible on the surface at first… it can be spotted carefully though, and it can be felt in areas with roughness on the skin surface. Dermatologists upon first look will say these areas when shown are merely skin. Scraping with bring up the "specific" shapes of the parasite, as where skin would not. Some of the parasites reside above the skin, and others from this species reside just under (endodermic). Once the parasite attaches itself, it starts biting and attaching itself to the skin area. I have removed one parasite in such an instance with the Crocodile lotion "WHILE" it attempted to integrate into my skin.

    11)     Movement capabilities – unsure, but it comes off infected person in flakes of skin and attaches to clothes. Because of it hiding in the hand, it's easy to infect via a hand-shake. I saw it move in the alcohol and it's front body has some kind of pincers to probably cut skin, but I do not know if it can move. 

    12)  If the patient has the infection for a while, wounds with the parasite are UV light sensitive.   You will feel lots of movement if under bright artificial lights.

    13) Wounds will many times appear on exactly both sides of the body.   For instance..  a wound to the left of the eye.. a wound to the right of the eye.


    1)  Classify Parasite or new type Nematoid? Get Parasitologist, Bacteriologist  and Nematologist involved.

    2)  Report to local health authorities, physicians, and CDC for warning an analysis.

    3)  Verify sample of clothing contains direct from the bag – parasite.

    4)  Locate manufacturer's source if from clothing.

    5)  Stop imports of potentially life threatening and debilitating parasites.

    6)  Develop a cure.. which now can only be stopped with enzyme and other homeopathic products.

    7)  Instruct physicians on how to spot this infectious disease and not mistake it for scabies or a similar parasite.    All to often this is mistaken for a psychological phenomenon.  These are real insects, biting, nesting, and invading the patient's whole body, causing intense discomfort, harm, and trauma.   These insects may appear invisible, but they are not, and they are easily found if someone knows how to find them, and what they look like.  

    NEW Conclusions:

    The nematode I believe is an enteropathogenic biocontrol species which has been genetically modified to be of very small size. The Steinernema riobravis is one genetically modified species used today in the USA for cotton. Many species are used already all over our country as well as the world. The way it works is:  agriculturalists (since the late 80s) release millions of these tiny biocontrol worms into the soil of crops (in particular citrus, cotton and corn), into golf course turfs, gardens, etc., etc. to parasitize and kill off other "pest" insects. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that these nematodes would stop at insects, when warm-blooded hosts may be readily available. (There are absolutely NO controls by our government regulating either the testing, distribution or application of these creatures!) The worms each contain a unique type of bacterium (which they themselves are immune to, and this bacteria has been genetically "enhanced" to make them more lethal) and is the deadly element released once the worm invades the larger insect host. The bacterium could explain the bizarre formation of fibers and other amorphisms in the skin of the host.  Obviously the clothing or textile (raw cotton or processed cloth) is not being sanitized and getting into garments which are distributed through our country (USA).   In Columbia, they treat crops with dioxin, and some crops have been exposed to paraquat via the drug cartel wars which may have modified the organism.   And many clothing manufacturers use Columbia for a source of cotton.   And numerous other chemical treatments are used on crops there.   Also many third world countries lack the stringent sterilizing elements found in the US methods. Enteropathogenic nematodes are used by ALL countries that produce cotton.

    However the shape of this parasite appears more like the filarial Nematode species.  This has to be a cross between several species… it behaves like a silk worm, and demonstrates Scabies or spider like tendencies.. and it is producing some chemical particles from my skin and hair… also there is a bacterial element and that bacterial could be genetically altered bacteria which works with the nematode, as they do have symbiotic relationships

    It is possible that the primary damage or core of this disease is bacterial, although I do not believe it is Lymes disease, as is sometimes supposed.   Obviously, if bacterial, then the vector of it becomes secondary in importance. In this case, a microscopic nematode, which may itself  have been vectored by a small species of screw worm fly found throughout  our the Midwest and Eastern coast.  One or more of these insects carried with it a new form of genetically modified, heat-resistant bacteria, capable of producing fiber. Please don't misunderstand, I am not suggesting that this is  bio-terrorism. On the contrary, that these types of bacterial strains may have been produced with our own government's consent and even involvement for the purposes of research and development.

    Second, the bacteria involved in this disease do not consist of one but multiple strains, depending on their source of origin. Thus, while all those experiencing this disease present with certain symptoms which are common to all, many individuals manifest symptom variations which are quite different from those of others. There exists such a diversity in the commonality, because the bacteria that one person or group received are slightly different from the bacteria another received, although they are designed to produce similar end results.

    Third, the bacterial strains have been engineered for the purposes of creating raw materials biologically, especially fibers which will be used in creating new textile markets. These bacteria have been extensively engineered and tested over the last ten years by a plethora of companies (DuPont, Honywell, Nexia, etc.) including the U.S. Army, using both plant and mammal tissue as a medium to verify their ability to produce these materials. Many failures were reported and the inadequate bacterial strains were "discarded."

    Fourth, these bacterial strains have been disposed of indiscriminately, with improper safety protocols, much as were the many toxic wastes of the last generation's industries. This is because there are no effective safety
    measures in place within our government or any others (of which we are aware). Instead, the public is told that these types of research and products are absolutely environmentally friendly, since they are not "toxic" but purely biological. It is alarming to think how easily the mutant bacterial strains could spread to different vectors once outside the laboratory. NOTE: I am not implying that such leakage would be intentional, but merely accidental based on lax protocols.

    Finally, the bacteria which produce fibers can do so inside the skin as well as outside it, as long as there are available proteins for it to use.   The "fiber balls" that are seen so often with the disease are in fact
    produced by the bacteria (not nematodes, or any other invertebrate species), using the proteins from skin, hair, cloth, etc. The bacteria themselves are quite infective, being able to invade the skin, and are felt as "itchy, stinging" sensations on the skin when they enter. When they are multiplying and (often) rapidly producing fibers, they can be felt as "tingling" or "crawling" sensations, on or under the skin.

    NOTE: Now as we know, the bacterial spores infest clothing readily, and are quite heat resistant, a factor to which everyone with these fiber balls in their laundry can testify! (We must bake our clothes for 13 hours at 250 degrees to finally kill all the spores or boil 30 minutes & cool 30 minutes 3x in a row.)  This heat resistance is yet another verification that the bacteria have been genetically modified. As you may know, before the 1960s, it was commonly held in scientific circles that even the hardiest bacteria could not withstand lengthy temperatures of over 160 degrees. This notion was completely shaken when Thomas D. Brock of the University of Wisconsin-Madison began to study bacterial strains in the hot springs of Yellowstone which actually thrived and reproduced at near-boiling temperatures! Sometime in the seventies and at least by the eighties, the high heat genes in these bacteria began to be spliced by scientists into other bacteria (Bt bacterium used in GMO corn or cotton, for instance) and other organisms, enabling them to become far more heat resistant. Even naturally occurring pathogenic nematodes used in crop control are now being infected (in the laboratories) with heat resistant bacteria to make them more "effective" in killing their hosts.

    Additional thoughts and care of body:

    1)      In the wound which can be open.. or a pimple that appears closed, but spews out parasites... the rye bread shaped seed or opaque or red parasite moves throughout the exterior of the body.   It drops down and clings, or very slowly moves on the skin.  This is the tinkling sensation you feel of them moving, but see nothing in the area.  When there is no wound there.. they are there, and possibly the worms are in clusters in the vicinity.  Removing it in the area, stops the sensation right away, obviously, but it ALSO CLEANS THE AREA.
    I believe this type of worm carries the eggs too, and can also sting you, and morphs in several shapes in it's growth.  It is initially a completely clear transparent worm, which I could see once due to the backdrop being a white sink with a tiny bit of water.  As it grows, it's color is more readily seen as white. 

    2)      If the wound is open.. you can clean out some laying in the wound growing there.. or many!!!  And the other type is the male, which I believe likes to do the digging in the wound with his horned head.
    So therefore the others must be the female which assume the long strand shape.
    2) If you put on clothes.. since the female nematode is perhaps a cotton one.. it's genetic coding kicks in.. and it instantly tries to lay and egg there, hence you feel the activity. Where ever you feel scratchiness is where on your body, the female worm is invisibly layered on the skin.  If you feel pain, chances are an egg in the clothes is hatching and boring down into your skin in a new area.

    So, if you clean up your body of all the areas.. which my be your entire body of the external worms, when you put clothes on, they will logically not get re-infected with larvae.  And only get re-infected in the place where you still have traces of the larvae left after laundering.
    The female worm can lay on an object and as you touch it shoot a dart into you.. the dart may or may not be some kind of bacterial antigen it uses to try to paralyze you.. but you are not an insect, and the dose is way too small.  The reason again you do not see it readily, it that is has a transparent color initially. 

    Now for the sci-fi part... The  Microbiologist claims the white squiggly stuff, or worms that are white and sometimes clear, are chemical.
    a) This suggests perhaps - the sample immediately decomposes upon exit and only a chemical remains.. or
    b) The parasite is hidden in all tests because it is a bio-chemical weapon - and a chemical is not screened out in a parasite test.
    Thereby making most physicians dubious that you have anything in your system.
    My research today, may explore that possibility and how it can be done..
    c) The female clear parasite worm externally is not a female at all... it is a bacterium which the nematode traps in the nest and collects the bacterium from.  And if this is the cotton nematode, that
    bacterium is genetically and chemically engineered. Which would explain why the infection is so great and hard to get rid of... it would also explain the patterns of white on the furnishings and pipes.  Those could be bacterium instead of fungi in patterns.

    1)      So I've been cleaning my body steadily with the pink Demodex cream and Crocodile, and taking the Harmony products.. and my body is cleaning up.. but if I do not manually clean the body, and clean out the wounds.. the external female will continue to terrorize my body.  The parasite has 3 factors making it very hard to beat. (a) It disguises itself genetically so the body does not readily reject it in the skin area - therefore the necessity to manually clean out the wound and remove the ring around the wound of the parasite trying to keep the wound open.  (b) The external female does not readily wash off with baterial soap or come off easily - manually scraping a loosening with the pink chinese Demodex medicine (which kills it too), and the crocodile helps to pare down the layers. (c) This thing is in layers.. so if you kill off the primary layer, the other layers beneath are still alive.  So you have to get off that layer.. and reapply a medicine to kill the next layer.. or loosen all layers, and clean out the wound repeatedly till it is empty.  Then apply the enzyme once or twice for cleaning it.. and then the pink crème over and over, which helps heal it.   (d) I do not know how much of the Harmony internal product will kill off of the external parasite, given this could be a chemical bio agent, I don't know.  It's why I am so focused on cleaning the body externally as well.

    The process is hard.. since it covers your entire body.. head to toe, from in the ear to the scalp of the head to under your fingers and toe nails.  To assume any area of your skin is safe is not a good assumption.  Also, if you dry out your primary layer of skin on your head.. with hair on it.. you can bet they might be there in the pores of the skin, and not seen.

    I will as a precaution, if and when I beat this.. send my sample then to Arizona (fecal) for examination by Dr.. Amin.  Just to make sure I'm clean inside too.

    Keep some clean new clothes on hand.. so as you progress in your cleaning of the body towards the end, if your clothes are not getting done 100 percent, you can move to the new clothes and avoid re-infection with eggs. Lastly, we need to find out exactly what the CHEMICAL IS???  This chemical (non-living) in nature in the form of compressed "translucent flakes," could be our best lead.  



    The next four photos digitally taken after putting the sample in clear tape are among the most common shape of the parasite found when lifting it off the body.   Notice one you can see some inner digestive system.

    This photo above is a sample taken from the face, where they were bunched together in a cluster.   Here's an individual one above.

    This sample was from the fecal area

    This was taken from out of the nose.


    This was taken from the head.. near the ear area and lifted from under the skin.   I believe this is the male nematode which uses the horn for its digging into skin.  


    This was taken from the head.    Notice the tail formation resembles a devil tail.

    Note:  2008, Mr. X has continued to improve and has promised at some point to share more about his journey to wellness in the near future.

    Call (800) 931-9916  ext. 100 for information on some of the products he's utilizing.



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    Tuesday, November 17, 2009

    Keeping your body hydrated is imperative.

    A lil chill graces the air wrap-up folks! Try getting in at least 32 or more oz of water - dehydration is a silent beast. Luv!

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    Friday, November 6, 2009

    B.K.A the "Voice of Alternative Medicine" Burton Goldberg

    Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition) (Paperback)

    ~ John W. Anderson (Editor), Larry Trivieri (Editor), Burton Goldberg (Introduction) "In the face of an increasingly inadequate system of conventional medicine, a growing number of people are turning to alternative medicine to address their needs..." (more)

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    Thursday, November 5, 2009

    Fulfilling your spiritual self w/ a little help

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